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Vet Tech Vocabulary

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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As a vet tech, can you diagnose or intepret tests without the vet? True or False?
As a vet tech, can you perform pet surgeries b yourself? True or False.
As a vet tech, can you prescribe medications? True or False.
How well someone works in an environment
These are what you call people that are members of a job
This word means the amount of work that you take on
This word means a summary of all of your experiences and education that you will give to potential employers
Vet techs can't work unless they are under the supervision of this person
You may get some money back after paying taxes, this is called a _____
tax refund
This word means where you live!
You may have to make one of these so that you know how much money you can spend!
This word is the process that your vet tech job may ask you to go through to make sure you have not done any crimes!
background check
This word means the amount of money that you are making.
As a vet tech, you can choose an area that you want to work with the most. In other words, you can ________ in it.
As a vet tech, you will have to know a lot about the parts of an animal's body. Another word for this is called ________.
To gain experience as a vet tech, you can volunteer at this place (a place where people take their pets to vets)
vet clinic
If you have to monitor an animal's heart rate, this means you are monitoring their _________.
vital signs
The government may take some money out of what you make and you will have to pay ______. These help fund different things such as building bridges.
This word means the amount you get paid hourly
minimum wage
This word means the amount of money you make in a year
You may be asked by your supervising vet to help this sleeping drug to animals who need surgery
When applying to vet tech school or jobs, they may ask for letters of _____
If a pet comes in and has a wound, what would you put on them?
As a vet tech, you could be in charge of looking at past medical information on pets. Another word for this is medical _______.
When you apply for vet tech jobs, they may ask you for this special number so that you can get benefits such as health insurance
social security number
You may be able to give this to the owner to take home so their pets can get better
You give these to the animals to prevent them from getting sick (another word for shots)
Some states may require this in order for you to fully become a vet tech...
State license
The name for what you fill out in order to get the job
job application
How much education do you need to become a vet tech?
2 years associate degree