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Plate Boundaries

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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List 2 natural disasters caused by plate tectonics.
earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, landslides
True or False: The Ring of Fire (or the Duck Head of Fire) is one of the most geologically active areas on earth?
Is ocean crust more or less dense than continental crust?
Less Dense
What type of boundary causes the sea floor to spread?
Divergent Boundaries
What is a subduction zone?
When one plate goes below another plate
What is a long chain of volcanos that surround the pacific ocean?
The Ring of Fire
The San Andreas Fault is an example of which boundary?
transform boundary
What geological feature does a transform boundary create?
What geographical feature do divergent boundaries create?
Rift Valleys OR Mid-Ocean Ridge (either answer acceptable)
What is the only plate boundary that does not involve magma?
Transform boundary
When 2 continental plates converge, what geographical feature is created?
What is plate tectonic theory?
Earth’s crust is divided into several plates that glide over the earth’s mantle
What is a subduction zone?
When one plate goes underneath another plate
What is the likely result of an ocean plate moving below the continental crust?
A volcano
What is the crustal feature formed when two oceanic plate boundaries meet?
volcanic island arc
What is the asthenosphere?
The upper mantle
What is the Lithosphere?
Earth's outer crust; where the solid upper mantle meets the crust
What type of plate boundary causes the plates to grind back and forth against each other?
What causes plates to move?
Convection currents
What type of plate boundary moves toward each other?
What type of plate boundary separates from each other?
Are convergent boundaries with ocean/ocean plates a subduction zone?
What causes the hotter magma to rise
Convection Currents
Layer of rock that forms the continents.
Continental Crust