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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The cat was hidden UNDER THE BED (the place where...)
The place where the cat was hidden was under the bed
I HAVE TO LEAVE THIS PLACE before Sunday (it's to+ action + what + subject + have to do...)..)
It's to leave this place what I have to do before Sunday
I have to leave this place BEFORE SUNDAY (It's .....)
It's before Sunday that I have to leave this place.
NORA walked with her son to the supermarket (It was + subject + who ....)
It was Nora who walked her son to the supermarket
she DANCED with her friends (All+ subject + did+ was + infinitive)
All she did was to dance with her friends
she DANCED with her friends (what + subject + did + infinitive)
What she did was to dance with her friends
SHE IS SCARED OF LOSING HER CAT (what happens is that...)
What happens is that she is scared of losing her cat
THE BOY CRIED all night long (what happened was that....)
What happened was that the boy cried all night long
He CRIED all night long (What+ subject + did+ was + infinitive...)
What he did was to cried all night long
We SHOULD SAVE MONEY for our retirement (What + subject+ should + do+ is+ infinitive)
What we should do is to save some money for our retirement
What I need is some of that suncream
Katia washed THE CLOTHES of the whole team (All)
All Katia washed were the clothes
Marco took the dog to the park ON SUNDAY
The day that Marco took the dog to the park was on Sunday/ It was on Sunday that Marco took the dog to the park
Marco took the dog TO THE PARK on Sunday.
The place where Marco took the dog was the park/ It was to the park that Marco took the dog
Marco took THE DOG to the park on Sunday
The thing that/ which Marco took to the park on Sunday was the dog/ It was the dog that Marco took to the park/ What Marco took to the park....
What Marcos did was take the dog to the park on Sunday
MARCO took the dog to the park on Sunday
The person who/ that took the dog to the park was Marcos/ It was Marcos who took the dog to the park