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Past Simple (irregular verbs)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The weather ______ (be) snowy on Friday.
The weather WAS snowy on Friday.
We ______ (drink) glasses of milk.
We DRANK glasses of milk.
She ______ (make) a cherry pie.
She MADE a cherry pie.
The cat ______ (sleep) under the tree.
The cat SLEPT under the tree.
I ______ (put) a laptop on the table.
I PUT a laptop on the table.
She ______ (say) HELLO to her friend.
She SAID HELLO to her friend.
I ______ (read) an interesting book.
I READ an interesting book.
She ______ (swim) in the lake with her parents.
She SWAM in the lake with her parents.
Sara ______ (win) the baseball competition.
Sara WON the baseball competition.
Our team ______ (have) a football match on Sunday.
Our team HAD a football match on Sunday.
We ______ (eat) sausages in the morning.
We ATE sausages in the morning.
He ______ (ride) a bike in the park yesterday.
He RODE a bike in the park yesterday.
I ______ (see) a beautiful bird yesterday.
I SAW a beautiful bird yesterday.