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ALH1 u7 writing

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We walked home ___ there were no more buses.
We walked home BECAUSE there were no more buses.
She quit her job ___ she is looking for a new one now.
She quit her job BECAUSE she is looking for a new one now.
I'm tired today ___ I couldn't sleep last night.
I'm tired today BECAUSE I couldn't sleep last night.
I'll be home late tonight ___ I have to work late.
I'll be home late tonight BECAUSE I have to work late.
The water wasn't clean ___ we didn't swim.
The water wasn't clean SO we didn't swim.
She doesn't like him ___ he isn't honest.
She doesn't like him BECAUSE he isn't honest.
It was cold ___ I shut the window.
It was cold SO I shut the window.
The weather is hot .............the children are swimming.
The weather is hot SO the children are swimming.
She has a lot of money ............. she can buy that expensive coat.
She has a lot of money SO she can buy that expensive coat.
We didn't go to their party ...........they didn't invite us.
We didn't go to their party BECAUSE they didn't invite us.
She is studying Italian ...........she loves languages.
She is studying Italian BECAUSE she loves languages.
I am staying in bed today ...........I am very tired.
I am staying in bed today BECAUSE I am very tired.
She is going to have a drink of water ............she is thirsty.
She is going to have a drink of water BECAUSE she is thirsty.
We are too busy ........... we can't go the cinema today.
We are too busy SO we can't go the cinema today.
It is an ideal restaurant ............the food here is good and cheap.
It is an ideal restaurant BECAUSE the food here is good and cheap.
She is tired ............she has walked for seven miles.
She is tired BECAUSE she has walked for seven miles.
She is late .......... she will have to take a taxi.
She is late SO she will have to take a taxi.