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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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During iodine test, what is the change of color you will observe if the leaves store starch?
from brown to black/dark blue
Mom put a plate of hot rice on the table. The she left it for awhile. When she came back, the rice was already cold. What was the reason?
The heat from the rice transffered to the surrounding
Mention 3 example of flammable liquid
cooking oil, petrol, alcohol
Food chain always starts with?
What is a carnivore?
Animals that eat meat/other animals
Why do we use styrofoam cup for hot coffee?
styrofoam is a poor conductor of heat so the coffee will not get cold easily
What will happen to the grasshopper, if the hawk population increase? Explain.
The grasshopper will increase because the hawk will eat the mouse, so there'll be less mout eat the grasshopper
Which part store starch?
Mention 2 reason why the number of tadpole in an ecosystem decrease.
there are many predators eat them, the tadpole turns into frog
Part of plants that traps light energy
What do plants need for photosynthesis?
water, sunlight, carbon dioxide
Make a food chain consist of 4 organisms
(accept possible answers)
Corn plants stores its starch in _________________
Why does the handle of pan made of plastic?
because plastic is a poor conductor of heat so our hands will not be burned
boiling water in kettle is an example of which method of heat transfer?
give 1 example that heat transfer causing change of shape
ice cream melts/ water evaporates
Which living things act as producer?
The role of root in photosynthesis process
Take in water from soil
Animals that chase and kill other animals for food
The plants part that take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen in plants