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How many countries are in Europe?
more than 40
Which European country is closest to Africa?
What continent does Spain belong to?
What are the most populated countries in Europe
Russia The United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Germany.
What is the largest lake in Africa?
Lake Victoria
What is the largest river in the world?
the Nile River
What is the largest desert in the world?
the Sahara Desert
What is the biggest mountain in Africa?
What is the biggest city in Africa?
How many countries are in Africa?
There are 47 countries
Which oceans border America?
The Artic, the Pacific, The Antarctic
What is the widest river in the world?
The Amazon
Name 3 countries in North America
The USA, Canada, Mexico
Name the 3 parts of America.
North America, Central America, South America
What is the biggest mountain in the world? and Highest peak?
The Himalayas. (the Highest peak is mount everest)
What are the two most populated countries in Asia?
India and China
What is the biggest continent?
What is the second biggest continent?