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Reproductive system

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In both men and women, where is urine expelled from?
The urethra.
What does the prostate gland do?
Produces liquids that help transport sperm and provide them with nutrients.
Are reproductive organs primary or secondary sexual characteristics?
Primary sexual characteristics.
What connects the uterus to the outside of the body?
The vagina.
Where is the urethra located in males?
The penis.
What are male sex cells called?
What are female sex cells called?
What does the placenta do?
It provides nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the embryo.
How long does pregnancy usually last?
Nine months.
Where do babies develop?
The uterus or womb.
What organ do egg cells come from?
The ovaries.
Where are sperm cells produced?
The testes.
What connects the testes to the urethra?
The sperm ducts.
What two parts do the fallopian tubes connect?
The ovaries and the uterus.
What is the only external part of the female reproductive system?
The vulva