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Buzz Boy and Fly Guy Review Questions

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After Buzz and Fly Guy read the book, what did they do? a) They went to sleep. b) They read it again. c) They wrote another story.
b) They read it again.
What is the dragon's superhero name? a) Dangerous Dragon b) Daredevil Dragon c) Dragon Dude
c) Dragon Dude
How did Buzz and Fly guy get back home? a) The dragon took their house back home. b) Buzz and Fly Guy carried their house back home. c) They woke up.
a) The dragon took their house back home.
How did Fly Guy unlock the prison door? a) With a bobby pin. b) With his super skeleton key. c) With a skeleton.
b) With his super skeleton key.
Where did the pirates put Fly Guy and Buzz? a) In a jail on an airplane. b) In the ocean. c) In jail on the pirate ship.
c) In jail on the pirate ship.
When the dragon woke up and shot fire outside, what did the pirates guards do? a) The pirate guards ran away. b) The pirate guards started laughing. c) The pirate guards poured water on the dragon.
a) The pirate guards ran away.
What did Buzz do to the dragon before Fly Guy used his superloudness? a) Buzz ran away. b) Buzz turned the dragon around. c) Buzz tickled the dragon.
b) Buzz turned the dragon around.
What did Buzz see when he looked out the window? a) A sleeping dragon. b) A purple dragon. c) A dragon flying around.
a) A sleeping dragon.
What was the bad news that Fly Guy told Buzz about? a) Pirates came and took Buzz's parents. b) Pirates came and took their boat. c) Pirates came and took their house to a dragon cave.
c) Pirates came and took their house to a dragon cave.
How did Fly Guy speak in the story? a) In fly talk. b) He could talk like a person. c) He couldn't talk at all.
b) He could talk like a person.
In the story Buzz wrote, when he woke up, what was different? a) He was the same size as Fly Guy. b) Fly Guy was sitting on him. c) Buzz and Fly Guy were giants.
a) He was the same size as Fly Guy.
What was the name of the book Buzz made? a) Super Buzz and Amazing Fly Guy b) Superman and Fly Guy c) The Amazing Adventures of Buzz Boy and Fly Guy
c) The Amazing Adventures of Buzz Boy and Fly Guy