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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many did Charles Dickens write classic novels? Name some of them
15, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield
He wrote his first story ...
in 1833
Charles had to go to work in factory at the age ...
Where was born Charles Dickens?
a woman who uses magic powers to hurt people
lose its shape, break into pieces
fall apart
a long piece of wood
with no power, the opposite of strong
living animal that are not human
Pip couldn't see the shape of the thing on the table because ....
it was hidden by cobwebs
When she said her heart was broken, she meant that ...
something terrible had hurt her in the past
When Miss Havisham first wrote the dress ...
she was young
The white had changed their colours because ...
they were very old
Pip was afraid because ...
he knew there was something frightened behind the door
a pice of material which you put on a table