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Bullying vocabulary

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Opposite of "sociable"
A no-life, a loner
Synonym of "a failure"
A loser
Synonym for "a monster"
A freak
Translate: 1) Il se pourrait qu'elle soit victime de cyberharcĂšlement 2) Il se peut qu'elle soit victime de cyberharcĂšlement 3) Elle doit ĂȘtre victime de cyberharcĂšlement
She might be/ may be / must be a victim of cyberbullying
Give as many types of bullying as you can
Verbal/Physical/Psychological/Cyber bullying
Skin colour
Self-harm (verb and noun)
Threaten (verb) / a threat (noun)
Feel rejected/ left out
Ghost someone
Drop out of school =ĂȘtre en dĂ©crochage scolaire
Spread rumours
Call someone names / insult someone / abuse someone
How do you say "un harceleur" in English?
A bully
Send nasty/mean posts
Hit someone
Punch someone
Kick someone
Slap someone
Laugh at someone / Mock someone / Make fun of someone
Have bad marks
Suffer from anxiety, panic attacks
Bully someone for money/ Shake down somebody (US)
Se sentir en insécurité/ en danger
Feel unsafe
Feel insecure
Ne pas ĂȘtre sĂ»r de soi, manquer d'assurance