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When did Frida;s health begin to worsen?
After 1950
When did Frida go to Paris to exhibit her work?
When did Frida befriend Andre Breton?
What was unusual about Frida and Diego's marriage?
They shared separate homes and studios.
When did Frida first marry Diego?
When did Frida attend the National Preparatory School?
In 1922
What was her mothers name?
What job did her father do?
Where was Frida's father from?
How is Frida remembered today?
There is a museum in the house she grew up in
When did Frida pass away?
July 13th 1954
How much older than Frida was Diego?
20 years
10 years
5 years
25 years
What political party did Frida Kahlo join?
Mexican communist party
What job did Frida want to do initially?
Become a doctor
Become a painter
become a plumber
become a chef
How old was Frida when she contracted polio?
Where was Frida Kahlo born?
Coyocan, Mexico
What is a common theme that Frida paints in the majority of her paintings?
pain,suffering and nature
Why did she say she was born three years after her real birth date?
She wanted to identify with the Mexican culture and pride during the Mexican Revolution.
What was the name of Frida Kahlo's husband who is also a great artist?
Diego Rivera
Frida and Diego's marriage was often called what?
A union between a dove and an elephant. Because Diego was huge and very fat, and Frida was small (a little over 5 feet) and slender.
Kahlo travelled to Paris in 1939, where she exhibited her works at the Renou and Colle gallery and met which group of painters?
The Surrealists. Kahlo said, "They said I was a Surrealist, but I wasn't. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality."
Frida began her career as an artist after what?
Being involved in an accident
What event marked the beginning of the rapid decline of Frida's health?
Her father's death
Where was the first solo exhibition of Frida Kahlo's works held?
New York
Diego and Frida were married in what year?
In 1929. Diego married Frida on August 21, 1929. 
Frida Kahlo was Diego Rivera's _______ wife?
When Frida was 18, she was in a serious accident involving what?
Who or what is depicted in most of Frida's paintings?
Frida herself
How old was Frida when she contracted polio?
She was 6. This left her with her left leg skinnier than her right leg. It was her first major injury.
What year was the accident, which saw Frida impaled?
When Frida Kahlo was born, what first name was she given?
Frida Kahlo changed her date of birth on her birth certificate. What did she change it to?
July 7, 1910
How is Frida's family house called?
La casa azul.
What was Frida's nationality?
She was Mexican.
When was Frida Kahlo born?
She was born in 1907.