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Brazil- Geography

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What countries DON'T border Brazil?
Ecuador and Chile don't border Brazil.
What sport is Brazil famous for?
The sport Brazil is famous for is soccer.
What language is spoken in Brazil?
Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
What is this tourist attraction?
It's the Pelourinho.
What is this tourist attraction?
It's the National Congress.
What is this tourist attraction?
It's the Amazonas theather.
Which region do you live in?
I live in the south region.
Which is the smallest region?
The South region is the smallest.
What is the biggest region of Brazil?
The north region is the biggest.
What country is to the south of Brazil?
Uruguay is to the south of Brazil.
How many states are there in Brazil?
There are 26 states.
What are the names of the Brazilian regions?
They are north, south, northeast, southeast and midwest.
How many regions are there in Brazil?
There are 5 regions.