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Visual Studies Midterm

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Extramission Theory states that visual perception comes from rays of light reflected from the object entering the eyes
What is the name of the pioneer of the studies "The sense of being stared at"
Rupert Sheldrake
What is the accelerating interconnectivity of human activity and information across time and space
An area way in the back of the brain that’s part of the occipital lobe is called the ___________
visual cortex
True or False: People without all three kinds of cone cells see fewer colors, sometimes called thalamus.
Light is a kind of __________.
Karen Dobkins and Tom Albright discovered in 1993 that color can_________ the perceived direction of motion.
due to damage of cortex in the inferior temporal lobe of both cerebral hemispheres, Patients cannot perceive colors. What is this condition called?
cerebral achromatopsia
What does Kylee teacher have a degree in?
a BFA a Bachelors of Fine Art
True or False: An image is a visual representation of something.
What part of the brain is important for recognizing objects?
The temporal lobe.
What does RGCs stand for?
Retinal Ganglion Cells
True or False: The three subtypes of cones are: red, green and yellow.
Which cell is responsible for seeing fine detail and color?
Cone cells
True or False: Cone cells aren't very good for high resolution images.
Which cell is in charge of low-light vision?
The rod cells
The cells have two common names... rods and _________.
True or False: Photoreceptors are a type of neuron.
Where are the cells that receive the light signals?
The back of your eye.
What does to be "tarnished" mean?
to detract from the good quality of
When did the term, "Visual Studies" start to appear?
The early 1990s
What sense is the most developed next to sight?
What is Visual Studies?
It’s the study of vision and how we see things