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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jerry likes to make PB&J sandwiches. He made some for his friends. He used two loaves of bread. Each loaf has 9 slices of bread. After lunch there were 3 sandwiches left. how many sandwiches were eaten?
Last Summer, Jon's family found 152 shells at the beach. This summer they were at the beach for 7 days. Each day they found 9 shells. How many fewer shells didi they find this year than last year?
89 fewer shells
Students in 3 art classes cut 728 inches of ribbon into 8-inch long pieces. Two of the classes together cut 656 inches of ribbon. How many 8-inch long pieces of ribbon did the other class cut?
9 lengths of ribbon.
Aleline buys 8 packs of Fun Gum. Each pack has 7 pieces of gum. Marisol buys Juicy Gum. Each Juicy Gum pack has 9 pieces of gum. Adeline has 11 more pieces of gum than Marisol. How many packs of gum did Marisol buy?
5 packs
Jayson had 274 postcards in his collection. He wanted to give Sam some of his postcards. Jayson gave Sam 8 Postcards from each set: Art, Sports, Schools, Parks, Beaches, Sunsets. How many postcards does Jayson have left?