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Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When Buzz asked Liz to play on the swings with him, what did she say? a) yes b) no c) sure
c) sure
Can Fly Girl say the girl's name? a) yes b) no
a) yes
What gross thing did Fly Girl eat? a) a worm b) a snake c) poop
a) a worm
What trick did Fly Girl do? a) She flew high into the sky. b) She went up Buzz's nose. c) She flew in the shape of a girl's face.
c) She flew in the shape of a girl's face.
At the beginning of the story, how was Buzz sitting in the chair? a) He was sitting normally. b) He was sitting sideways. c) He was sitting upside down.
c) He was sitting upside down.
Why did Fly Girl and Fly Guy say "Let's be friends" and decide not to get married? a) Because they didn't want to leave Liz and Buzz. b) Because they didn't like each other. c) Because they got into a fight.
a) Because they didn't want to leave Liz and Buzz.
As Fly Guy and Fly Girl talked, what did they think about? a) They imagined getting married to each other and having baby flies. b) Food. c) Playing football.
a) They imagined getting married to each other and having baby flies.
How did Fly Girl and Fly Guy talk to each other? a) They said buzzz buzzz buzzzz. b) They used fly talk (wuzzle wuzzie). c) They read each other's mind.
b) They used fly talk (wuzzle wuzzie).
What is the girl's name who has Fly Girl as a pet? a) Liz b) Rozz c) Buzzette
a) Liz
What is the girl's fly's name? a) Baby Fly b) Flipper c) Fly Girl
c) Fly Girl
What did Buzz say when he saw a girl being chased by a fly? a) There is a fly chasing you! b) Don't worry. Flies aren't pests, they are pets. c) Ew!
b) Don't worry. Flies aren't pests, they are pets.
What is the first thing Buzz and Fly Guy did after they said they were bored? a) They ate ice cream. b) They went swimming. c) They went for a walk.
c) They went for a walk.