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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You ______ touch the hot stove or else you'll burn yourself.
I _______ wake up early tomorrow to catch the first bus to work.
have to
They __________ pay for the concert tickets because they won a prize.
don't have to
She ________ eat anything spicy because of her stomach ulcer.
We _______ clean the house before our guests arrive tomorrow.
have to
He ______ wear a suit to the wedding or else he won't be allowed in.
You ________ forget to lock the door when you leave the house.
She ______ take her medicine every day or else her symptoms will worsen.
has to
We _____ be quiet while the baby is sleeping.
She _________ cook dinner tonight, we're ordering takeout.
doesn't have to
I ________ remember to call my parents on their anniversary.
He _________ smoke inside the building.
He _______ smoke inside the building.
They ________ pay for the party, it's on the house.
don't have to
We _______ be careful when crossing the street.
You ________ arrive at the airport two hours before your flight.
have to
She _________ talk on her phone while driving.
They _________ worry about cleaning up, the maid will take care of it.
don't have to
You ________ eat junk food all the time if you want to stay healthy.
He _______ clean his room before he goes out.
We _________ attend the meeting if we don't want to.
don't have to
She ________ forget to bring her passport to the airport.
You _______ study hard if you want to pass the exam.
have to
I ______ finish this project by tomorrow.