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Cadiac/GU- Exam 3 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give a symptom seen with pylonephritis that is NOT present with UTI's.
Fever, chills, or malaise
Your client is being treated for pylonephritis with oral antibiotics outpatient. What should the nurse educate the patient about he antibiotic regimen?
You must complete the course of antibiotics (take them all!)
What is your PRIORITY for the patient with a renal calculi (kidney stone)?
Pain management
Give 3 symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Dysuria, hematuria, frequency, hesitancy, incomplete bladder emptying, urgency, pelvic or back pain
Give 3 symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
Frequency, dribbling, hesitancy, decreased stream, incomplete bladder emptying, nocturia
When would a patient with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) report having pain?
With exercise (improves with rest)
What is Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)?
An autoimmune disorder that destroys normal platelet function and increases the risk of bleeding
What surgery would put a patient at risk for Pernicious Anemia?
Gastric Bypass
A female client with a history of menorrhagia would be at risk for which type of anemia?
Iron- deficiency anemia
What is the most common side effect of Calcium Channel Blockers?
Your client has been prescribed two types of blood pressure medications and lifestyle changes, but their blood pressure shows no improvement. What should the nurse do?
Ask the client if they are taking their meds and maintaining lifestyle changes.
What is the DASH diet?
Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension
What medication can be administered PO or IV for a life-threatening ventricular dysrhythmia?
What testing should be completed prior to administering Quinidine?
A patient has a bp of 215/100, what is the fastest treatment for hypertensive crisis?
Sodium Nitroprusside IV drip
What should a patient who is taking Nifedipine (Adalat XL) be educated about?
Do not crush this medication
What drug is the next appropriate substitute for Lisinopril if a cough is present?
Angiotension II Receptor Blocker
Give an example of a non-selective Beta Blocker
What class of medication can have a dangerous increase when taken with grapefruit juice?
Calcium Channel Blockers