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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is hammantshen?
the cookies of Purim (Hamman's ears)
What is a Grogger?
A Purim noisemaker
What did Mordechai tell Esther NOT to tell Achashverosh?
That she was Jewish
What was the relation between Ester and Mordechai?
On what month do we celebrate Purim?
What is the name of the fast before Purim?
Ta'anit Ester
What did Mordechai refuse to do that made Hamman angry?
He refused to bow down to Hamman
How many days did Achashverosh's first party last?
7 days
How many chapters are there in the Megillah of Ester?
What is Persia called today?
What was the capital city of Achashverosh's kingdom?
How many children did Hamman have?
Who were the guards of Achashverosh that planned to kill him?
Bigtan and Teresh
How many times are we supposed to read the Megillah?
Twice- on Purim evening and the next morning
How many times is God mention in the Megillah?
Who was Hamman's wife?
What was the Hebrew name of Ester?
When do we make noise during the Megillah reading?
When we read the name "Hamman"
What was the name of the youngest son of Hamman?
From where to where did Achashverosh's kingdom stretch?
From India until Kush
Who was Achashverosh's first wife?