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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I heard that I won the lottery, I couldn't believe I had finally ________.
gotten a prize
It's important to _______ early to have a productive day.
get up
If you don't _______ soon, we'll be late for the movie.
get ready
We need to ________ to see the latest exhibition at the art museum.
get a ticket
After I ________ this plane, I'm going to take a taxi to the hotel.
get off
I need to ______ before I can fit into my old jeans.
get fit
I need to _________ for my job interview tomorrow by preparing my resume and researching the company.
get ready
Despite their differences, they managed to _______ each other and eventually became good friends.
get on with
She won first place in the writing competition and _______.
got a prize.
I usually _____ early in the morning to exercise.
get up
He ______ when he saw the scratch on his car, he wanted to punch someone in the face.
got angry
I started going to the gym to ______ and lose weight.
get fit
I always _________ before a big presentation.
get nervous
Please ________ for our meeting at 10 am sharp.
get ready
I don't ____________ my wife's parents, I feel like they all hate me.
get on with
We ________ the taxi and headed towards the restaurant.
got out of
Let's _________ my car and go for a drive.
get into
After a long flight, I can't wait to ______ the plane and stretch my legs.
get off
I usually _________ a bus to go to work.
get on
My best friend is going to _______ next month, she's already bought her wedding dress.
get married
I always ______ when I visit a new city for the first time.
get lost
My parents decided to _______ last year, after being married for 20 years.
get divorced