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prepare 8 unit 8

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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8. I wish my dad ______________________ such bad jokes. It’s so annoying. (make)
I wish my dad wouldn’t make such bad jokes. It’s so annoying. (make)
Don’t you wish you ______________________ old enough to vote in next week’s election? (be)
Don’t you wish you were old enough to vote in next week’s election? (be)
If only I ______________________ enough money to buy that sports car, but I don’t. (have)
If only I had enough money to buy that sports car, but I don’t. (have)
I wish you ______________________ on holiday with us next week. (come)
.I wish you were coming on holiday with us next week. (come)
Romy wishes she ______________________ her time going to parties instead of studying. (waste)
Romy wishes she hadn’t wasted her time going to parties instead of studying.
If only my brother ______________________ bothering me. (stop)
If only my brother would stop bothering me. (stop)
If only I ______________________! (fly)
If only I could fly! (fly)
I wish someone would explain this to me.     The speaker is
frustrated about a present situation
anxious about a future situation.
sorry about a past situation.
If only train fares were cheaper, I’d visit you more often.     This refers to
The present
The future
The past
I wish the meeting were taking place in a hotel instead of the office.     The meeting is in
the present or future
the past or present.
the past
5. If only my children wouldn’t leave their clothes on the floor.     The speaker is probably
If only I had paid more attention at school!     This sentence expresses
strong regret
no regret.
I wish I could draw and paint well.     This is
difficult to achieve
likely in the future.
an impossibility.
Amelia wishes she had started university a year earlier.     This sentence is about
The past
The future
the present
I wish I had more time to spend with my family.     This sentence is about
the present
the future
the past
When Rosie gets her salary every month, she likes to s_ _ _ _ _  o_ _ on a day at the spa in the hotel with her best friend.
splash out
I hate seeing people p_ _ _ money d_ _ _ the d_ _ _ _. It’s so hard to earn it, so it makes sense to spend it wisely.
pour money down the drain
I think it’s better to s_ _ _  a_ _ _ _ _ when you’re buying a larger item like a laptop. You can save a lot of money by not buying the first one you see.
shop around
My parents always p_ _  m_ _ _y  a_ _ _ _ every month so that we could go away on holiday in the summer.
put money aside
I think Andrew must have c_ _ _  i_ _ _ some money when his grandfather died. He seems to have a lot more to spend these days.
come into
On my current salary I can just about m_ _ _  e_ _ s  m_ _ _, but I’m not going to be able to save any money.
make ends meet
A:  Come on! Let’s have lunch out today. It’s not going to b_ _ _ _  t_ _  b_ _ _.     B:  Yes, I think we can just about afford it.
break the bank
My grandfather was an orphan who became a very successful businessman. It was a real r_ _ _  to  r_ _ _ _ _ story.
rags to riches