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CO4 Teens C4 FAMILY Questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the characteristics of bad parents?
What are the characteristics of good parents?
What would happen if you found out you were adopted? How would you feel?
What do you think about domestic violence? How can it affect you?
Would you like to get married and have children in the future? Why? Why not?
Should children work from the time they are teenagers? Why? Why not?
GIVE YOUR OPINION: "Housekeeping is just for women"
GIVE YOUR OPINION: "It's necessary to get married and have children"
Do you have your own room? What do you have in your room?
Do you receive any pocket money?
Have you got a pet? What kind of pet have you got? What's its name?
Do your parents have a car? What kind of car is it?
Where does your mother work?
What does your father do? (job)
TALK ABOUT PICTURE: "What's the father wearing? And the rest of the family?"
TALK ABOUT PICTURE: "What has the older girl in her hands? What has the father got in his hand?"
TALK ABOUT PICTURE: "How many people are there in the picture? What are they doing?"
In what situations... Could you consider yourself a bad son (or bad daughter)? 
GIVE YOUR OPINION: "Children should go to a nursery"
GIVE YOUR OPINION: "The husband and the wife should both go to work".