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Making predictions 2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Zack rents a tux and buys a corsage. What could happen next?
Zack will go to prom
Sayra practices her dance routine every night. Today she put on her dance outfit and got her hair and makeup done, what could happen next?
Sayra will preform her dance.
Nayomi won’t be able to visit friends until she finishes her homework. She finished 3 out of 5 assignments. What could happen next?
Nayomi will do the 2 other assignments
Otis and his brother share a room. His brother got accepted to college in a different state. What could happen next?
Otis will have his own room
Brandy will get a prize after receiving 5 stars. She receives stars each time she visits the library and she currently has 3 stars. She plans to visit the library next Tuesday and Thursday. What could happen next?
Brandy will get a prize
Scott heads outside and feels the cold breeze since he is wearing a short sleeve so he heads inside to grab something. What could happen next?
Scott grabs a sweater
Cindy and Johnny like each other but they are shy to talk to one another. Valentine’s Day is soon. What could happen next?
Johnny will ask Cindy to be his valentine
Janet’s friends are coming over but her room is a mess. What will happen next?
Janet will clean her room
Bruce wrote a letter to his wife. He placed the letter in the envelope. What could happen next?
Bruce will place the letter in the mailbox.
Angel is trying out for the soccer team but he has never owned a pair of cleats. What could happen next?
Angel will buy soccer cleats
Judy is thirsty. She grabs lemons, sugar, and ice. What could happen next?
Judy makes lemonade
Nick has an event tonight, he prepares by listening to his favorite band’s music all day. He makes sure to bring ear plugs so he can protect his ears. What could happen next?
Nick will go to a concert.
Mom always runs errands on Sunday. On Saturday she makes a list. What happens next?
Mom runs errands
Heather mixed dry and wet ingredients in a bowl and sets the oven to 350 degrees. What happens next?
She bakes the (dessert)
After 2 years of wearing braces, Kelly goes to his final appointment. What happens next?
Kelly gets his braces off
Teresa puts on a white dress and heads to church. What happens next?
Teresa gets married
Sam puts on a winter coat and heads to the mountains. What will happen next?
Sam will go to the snow
Hayley waits in line and orders food at the cafeteria. What will happen next?
Hayley will eat her food
The dog is digging a hole under the fence. What will happen next?
The dog will escape
Sally is at her softball game. She steps up to the plate with her bat. What will happen next?
Sally will hit the ball.