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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You really want to play on the chromebook but your teacher tells you you have to finish your math worksheet first. How do you feel, what can you do?
Frustrated, disappointed, impatient. Tell yourself you need to do math first then you get to play... try your best to get it done
You really wanted to go outside for recess but it was just announced that there is indoor recess. How might you feel? Use positive thinking
Frustrated, disappointed, annoyed... I can draw, play a game, etc. instead
You are having a hard time focusing during whole group instruction? What could you do?
Move your seat, take a drink of water, stretch, ask for a quick break, ask the teacher for help
Mom tells you to come straight home instead of going to afterschool program. You really want to stay. Use self-talk
"I really want to stay but my mom said to come home. If I stay she might not ever let me stay for afterschool again. It's probably best to go home for today"
Why is it important to practice self-control?
It helps us make good decisions, others like us more, avoid negative consequences
You are partnered with a student you don't like. How do you address it?
Have an individual conversation with the teacher in private letting them know how you feel (use an I statement), try to make it work
You are starting to get upset. Name 3 strategies you can use to calm down
Deep breaths, drink of water, ask for a break, move away, positive thinking, muscle relaxation
You are getting upset that another student keeps touching your belongings. Use an "I statement" to tell them how you feel
I feel annoyed when you touch my stuff, can you please ask me first.
Your teacher allows you to walk independently to deliver a letter to the office. You start to explore the building and take a while-Predict the consequence
Your teacher will feel upset/disappointed, will lose trust, won't let you walk alone anymore
Your teacher yells at you and you get upset. What can you do to calm down and manage your emotions?
Take some deep breaths, self-talk, ask for a drink of water
Your teacher tells you to stop talking and get to work. What size problem is this?
Small-no need to get upset, respond calmly
you are working on your math quiz, it's too hard so you put your head down and give up-Predict the consequence
you will get a bad grade, your teacher might make you do it over... What can you do instead?
You are thinking "this book is too hard to read, I can't do it" -Use flexible thinking
I will try my best, I can sound out the words
The writing assignment is really challenging and you don't want to do it. What could you do?
Ask for help, ask for breaks, see if you can record your thoughts then write, try your best