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Story retell (Dinner Disaster)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Based on context clues from the story, What do you think exasperated means? (“This is impossible!” Matt said, exasperated).
intensely irritated and frustrated
Why do you think that Matt's parents let him take charge of dinner?
At the beginning of the story, Matt often complained about what they were eating for dinner.
What was the first meal that Matt cooked?
chicken, rice, and broccoli with cheese
Who helped Matt cook dinner?
His mom and dad
Name the activity that Sophia would not be able to continue, if they ate out every night according to their mom?
Name the activity that Matt would not be able to continue, if they ate out every night according to their mom?
Why did his Mom say no to eating out?
Because it cost more money to eat out than it did for groceries.
What was Matt usually doing when his parents made dinner?
Playing a video game or outside
What did Matt cook with the second meal that Sophia did not like?
Name the last (TENTH) thing that happened in the story.
Matt apologized to his family.
Name the ninth thing that happened in the story.
Sophia did not like the corn (second meal).
Name the Seventh thing that happened in the story.
Matt made his second meal.
Name the sixth thing that happened in the story.
Sophia did not like the meal.
Name the FIFTH thing to happened in the story.
Matt started making his first meal.
Name the FOURTH thing that happened in the story.
Matt went to the grocery store.
Name the THIRD thing to happen in the story
Matt sat down with his dad and started planning the meals he was going to cook for the family.
Name Matt's first meal idea
Name the SECOND thing to happen in the story.
Matt's mom said that he was now in charge of making/planning dinner for the whole family.
Name the FIRST thing to happen in the story.
Matt was not happy with his meatloaf.
Name all of the characters in the story.
Matt, Dad, Mom, Sophia