Edit Game
1st Grade Tier 2 Words

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Today he DECIDES which box to open. Yesterday he _____ which box to open. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today the frog CROAKS loudly. Yesterday, the frog _____ loudly. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today he CRASHES while skiing. Yesterday he _____ while skiing. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today we CONSTRUCT a city with blocks. Yesterday we _____ a city with blocks. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today they COMPLAIN about the snack. Yesterday they _____ about the snack. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today he CHEATS on the game. Yesterday he _____ on the game. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today she CHATS on the phone. Yesterday she _____ on the phone. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
The dog CELEBRATES its birthday. Yesterday the dog ______ its birthday. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
He CAUTIONS the dog to be careful on the ice. He _____ the dog to be careful on the ice. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today, she BUNDLES up to go outside. Yesterday, she _____ up to go outside. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today she BORROWS the crown. Yesterday, she _____ the crown. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today he BOLTS out the door. Yesterday he _____ out the door. Tell me a sentence about his picture.
Today he BLUSHES from the compliment. Yesterday, he _____ from the compliment. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today she BLINKS when she is tired. Yesterday she _____ when she was tired. Tell me a sentence about the picture.
Today the cat BEHAVES like a crazy cat. Yesterday the cat _____ like a crazy cat. Tell me a sentence about the picture.
Today the dog's collar ATTACHES to the leash. Yesterday the dog's collar was _____ to the leash. Tell me a sentence about the picture.
Today she APOLOGIZES. Yesterday, she ______. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today the dog ANNOYS the cat. Yesterday, the dog _____ the cat. Tell me a sentence about this picture.
Today he ADJUSTS his glasses. Yesterday, he _____ his glasses. Tell a sentence about this picture.
His tooth ACHES. Yesterday his tooth ____. Tell a sentence about the picture.
to hurt