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Animals and Vital Functions in Animals

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do nerve centers do?
Create a response to stimuli
What are some examples of animals that are hatched?
lizards, platypus, birds, insects
What happens inside the womb of an animal?
A fetus develops
Which animals do not participate in sexual reproduction?
some invertebrates like scorpions or termites
Come up with three changes in stimuli that your eyes and skin could detect!
Let's see!
To perform vital functions, animals need __________ and ___________
nutrients and oxygen
If an animal mainly eats dead matter, what is that called?
A detritivore
Which eats ONLY other animals --- a carnivore, or an omnivore?
Come up with three things that an herbivore might eat :)
any different plants, vegetables, that you can think of
If an animal is heterotrophic, that means that they eat....
other living things!
Come up with two characteristics that differentiate humans from other animals!
Let's see!
What is another example of an animal with radial symmetry?
sea anemone, jellyfish, coral
What are two examples of "complex systems", which are made up of cells grouped together?
tissues, organs, and systems
What is an example of an animal that is asymmetrical?
sea sponge
Echinoderms are animals that have _________ symmetry
If we can't divide an animal in two equal parts, that means they don't have _________ _________
bilateral symmetry
Internal skeletons provide ________, and external skeletons _______ the animal
What does it mean if an animal is sessile?
Usually referring to aquatic animals, means they live their lives fixed to the seabed.
What is an example of limited growth in real life?
Let's see what you say!
Animals are ____________ organisms formed by ________ animal cells.
multicellular, eukaryotic
What is a plane?
A line through an object that produces a three dimensional mirror image