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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jorn needs to find someone to fix his car.
John needs to have his car fixed.
The secretary has just made a cup of coffee.
A cup of coffee has just been made.
I hope my mom will cook a cake for my next birthday.
I hope to have a cake cooked for my next birthday. \ A cake will be cooked for my next birthday.
The cat has broken a valuable vase.
A valuable vase has been broken by a cat.
People say that our discovery will definetely make contribution to the scientific world.
It is said that our discovery will definetely make contribution to the scientific world.
The police believe that the children have been hiding for two weeks from their stepfather.
The children are believed to have been hiding for two weeks from their stepfather.
Builders will finish the new football stadium soon.
The new football stadium will be finished soon.
Someone will tell all the necessary information next week.
We'll be told all the necessary information next week.
When we walked into the classroom, the teacher had already given the task.
The task had been already given, when we walked into the classroom.
They reported that a criminal held a manager of the bank at gunpoint last night.
It's reported that a criminal held a manager of the bank at gunpoint last night. \ A manager of the bank was held at gunpoint last night.
Someone poisoned the president's dinner.
The president's dinner was poisoned.
Foreighners think that Russian people drink a lot of alcohol.
It is thought that Russian people drink a lot of alcohol.
Everyone thinks that Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.
Paris is believed to be the most beautiful city in the world.
Jane wants somebody to clean the house for her.
Jane wants to have her house cleaned.