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The French revolution (Sect 4 & 5)

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Scorched-Earth Policy
Tactic of burning or destroying crops and anything else of value to an invading army
Procedure used to submit the constitution of a new government to the people for a yes or no vote
Compensation paid to a nation for damage inflicted on it
Principle involving restoring former ruling families to their thrones
What is Liberalism
Political movement believing in representative government protecting individual rights and the rule of law; also refers to movements to reform government
Name the Quintuple Alliance .
Austria, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, France
How did Metternich try to stop liberalism?
He tried to stop liberalism through the use of secret police and military suppression
who were against change, but also wanted to undo some changes.
What were the three principles that guided the Congress of Vienna?
Compensation, balance of power, and legitimacy
How old was he when he became a general?
What was Napoleon's main ambition?
Build enormous personal power.
Mention 5 countries Napoleon invaded.
Portugal, Austria, Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia
Name one of Napoleon wives
Josephine de Beauharnais / Marie Louise
TRUE OR FALSE: The coronation of Napoleon marked the return of France to an absolute monarchy.
Where was Napoleon definitively defeated?
In Waterloo.
What was the strategy of the Russian Army?
Scorched- Earth Policy
By whom was Napoleon proclaimed emperor?
He proclaimed himself emperor.
What are the Three leading principles that guided the congress of Vienna?
Balance of power, Legitimacy, Compensation