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Comparative X Superlative

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She is ______________ (intelligent) girl in our class.
the most intelligent
What is ____________ difficult subject in your opinion, English or Spanish?
the most
The book is _____ (exciting) than the movie.
more exciting
Of the two classes, Science is ______ (difficult).
the most difficult
Complete: My friend is (interesting) ___________________ person I know.
the most interesting
Complete: Action movies (excting) ____________ comedies.
are more excting than
Japanese is ________ difficult than English. Choose the correct answer: 1 - more / 2- most
1 is correct.
What is my ________ impressive book in your opinion? Complete: 1- most / 2- more
1 is correct.
What is the correct sentence? 1- Iphone Xs Max is the most expensive in the group. 2- Iphone Xs Max is more expensive in the group.
1 is correct.
Iphone 8 is more expensive than Iphone 7. True or False?
McWay Falls, Big Sur, California is most beautiful beach than Guarujá. Is it correct?
No. McWay Falls, Big Sur, California is the most beautiful beach OR McWay Falls, Big Sur, California is more beautiful than Guarujá.
Avengers is more interesting than Joker. / Joker is the most interesting movie in my opinion. - What is the superlative form?
Joker is the most interesting movie in my opinion.
Caio Castro is more handsome man in Brazil. Is this sentence correct?
No, it's not. Correct: Caio Castro is THE MOST handsome man in Brazil.