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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a value of a number + a value of a number + a value of a number?
expanded form
What is a digit?
a single number - 0-9
What is period in math?
3 numbers separated by commas (thousands, units ect)
What form is this number in? 198,456
What is a deposit?
when you put money in the box
What is a variable expense?
expense that change each month
What is a withdrawl?
when you take money out of the bank
What is an expense?
things you spend money on such as food, gas, rent, ect.
Income is the money you _____.
Is rent a fixed expense or a variable expense?
What is a fixed expense?
an expense that does not change
What is a denominator?
number of total parts (bottom number on a fraction)
What is a common denominator?
when denominators are the same
What is an improper fraction?
when the numerator is greater than the denominator
What is a numerator?
how many parts are being used (top number on a fraction)
What is a mixed numer?
a whole number and a fraction
What is another name for a whole?
What does it mean to take something to "simplest form"?
lowest term
What is an equivalent fraction?
fractions that are equal to each other
How many laps around the track = a mile?
Length x width is how you find...
Mrs. Stevenson's coffee is an example of a...
A pencil tip is the length of a...
A jar of pickles is an example of what measurement?
A ruler is about the length of a...
A grain of salt is an example of a ...
A dollar bill weighs about an...
The height of a chair is an example of what measurement?
yard and meter
What is an expense?
money you spend on material
What is a receipt?
what you sell an item for
What type of lines are shown?
What type of lines are shown?
What do you call an angle that is more than 90 degrees?
What do you call an angle that is less than 90 degrees?
What is the degree of half a circle?
180 degrees
What is the degree of a full circle?
360 degrees
What is profit?
money you make
How do you find profit?
recipet - expenses
What is 1/4 of a circle?
90 degrees
What type of figure is shown?
What type of figure is shown?
line segment
What type of line is shown?
What type of triangle is shown?
right triangle
What type of triangle is shown?
What does the word equilateral mean?
How many sides does a polygon have?
3 or more
What type of angle is less than 90 degrees?
What type of lines are shown?
How do you find area?
length x width
How do you find perimeter?
add all sides
Where do you find area?
inside an object
What is the name of this figure?
What does parallel mean?
opposite sides never touch - same distance apart
How many sides does a quadrilateral have?