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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They said "You should read a book!" - CONVINCED
They convinced me to read a book.
He said "I wish I hadn't dyed my hair bright blue." - REGRETTED
He regretted dyeing his hair bright blue.
She said "You should take up a new sport!" - ENCOURAGED
She encouraged me to take up a new sport.
He said "I can give you a lift" - OFFERED
He offered to give me a lift.
Lily said "We must go to the mountains for the weekend!" - INISISTED
Lily insisted on going to the mountains for the weekend.
She said "Don't leave your suitcase unattended!" - REMINDED
She reminded me not to leave my suitcase unattended.
He said "I'll sue you!" - THREATENED
He threatened to sue me.
She said "Let's meet at the square." - SUGGESTED
She suggested meeting at the square.
Edward said "I won't talk to her!" - REFUSED
Edward refused to talk to her.
Elena said "You should watch a musical" - RECOMMENDED
Elena recommended watching a musical.
He said "Don't touch anything!" - WARNED
He warned us not to touch anything
Mike said "I let you down" - ADMITTED
Mike admitted letting me down.
They said "Come to our party on Friday night!" - INVITED
They invited us to come to their party on Friday night.
Dad said "Tidy up and go to sleep!" - ORDERED
Dad ordered us to tidy up and go to sleep.
Sheila said "I have a headache. It's your fault!" to her husband. - BLAMED
Sheila blamed her husband for having a headache.
He said "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings." - APOLOGISED
He apologised for hurting my feelings
He said "You have stolen my money!" - ACCUSED
He accused me of stealing his money.