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Let's Review the Experiences with Jesus

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What three things were lost in the Bible stories we learned about?
There was a lost coin, a lost son, and a lost sheep.
What happens in heaven when one sinner repents?
There is rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents.
What did Jesus do to the storm?
Jesus spoke to it and the storm calmed down.
What was Jesus doing when he traveled in a boat to the other side of the lake with some of his disciples?
Jesus was sleeping.
What is baptism?
It is an outward expression that tells people you want to follow Jesus.
Who baptised Jesus?
John the Baptist, his cousin.
We learned Jesus can heal. How did the lame man get to Jesus?
His friends lowered him down through the roof where Jesus was teaching.
Who is Zacchaeus? Why was he significant to Jesus?
Zacchaeus was a small tax collector who wanted to see Jesus. He climbed up in a tree to see Jesus. Then Jesus went to his house.
What is a called when Jesus does something out of the natural?
It's a miracle!
In John 6:5-13 we learned about Jesus feeding a lot of people. Who did he get the lunch from? What was the lunch?
A young boy offered his lunch of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.