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Math Review (Measurement, Money)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Emir has 6 bricks. Each brick has a mass of 4 kg. What is the total mass of 6 bricks?
24 kg.
The mass of 4 bags of potatoes is 32 kg. Each bag has the same mass. What is the mass of each bag?
8 kg.
Shena is 32 kg. She is 4 kg heavier than Rayinda. How heavy is Rayinda?
28 kg.
Two students have masses 35 kg and 67 kg. What is the total mass of the two students?
The total masses of the two students is 102 kg.
What is the mass of the toy?
126 g
Salsa made some curtains. She used 3 m of cloth for each curtain. How many such curtains did she make with 15 m of cloth?
She made 5 curtains.
Fathan exercises everyday by walking along a 4-m long path. He walks along the path 3 times everyday. How far does he walk everyday?
He walks 12 m everyday.
A string was 300 cm long. Javin used 140 cm of it to tie a parcel. He gave 60 cm of it to Reinhardt. What length of the string was left?
100 cm.
A ribbon was cut into two pieces. They were 8 m and 7 m long. How long was the ribbon before it was cut?
The ribbon was 15 m long before it was cut.
Rope A is 11 m. Rope B is 3 m. How much longer is rope A than rope B?
8 m.
The box A is 5 m. Box B is 8 m. Which one is longer?
Box B is longer than box A.
The length of the slide is ___ than 1 m. (more or less)
Kairin has Rp. 1000,00. She loses Rp. 750,00. How much does she have left?
She have Rp. 250,00 left.
After putting Rp. 250,00 into his coin bank. Bima has Rp. 500,00 left. How much did Bima have at first?
Bima has Rp. 750,00 at first.
Jasmine has the following rupiah coins. How much does she have?
She have Rp. 300,00
Rp. 350,00 from Rp. 600,00 =
Rp. 250,00
Three Rp. 100,00 to Rp. 300,00
Rp. 600,00
Rp. 250,00 + Rp. 300,00 =
Rp. 550,00
How long is the pencil?
It is 15 cm.