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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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like / cats? / Does / sister / your
Does your sister like cats?
like / Does / sandwich? / her / she
Does she like her sandwich?
Sally / spaghetti? / Do / like / and / Jack
Do Jack and Sally like spaghetti?
like / his / Does / dog / your / food?
Does your dog like his food?
Does / dress? / Kate / like / your
Does Kate like your dress?
Does / flowers? / her / like / mom
Does her mom like flowers?
and / Steven / like / candies? / Do / you
Do Steven and you like candies?
like / you / parties? / Do
Do you like parties?
likes / she / music / to / listening
She likes listening to music.
don't / horse / a / riding / I / like
I don't like riding a horse
playing / and / I / swimming / like / soccer
I like swimming and playing soccer / I like playing soccer and swimming
do / like / you / doing / what / ?
What do you like doing?
you / do / computer / playing / game / like / ?
Do you like playing computer game?
doesn't / game / like / video / she / playing
She doesn't like playing video game
horse / he / riding / like / doesn't / a
He doesn't like riding a horse.
karaoke / like / I / singing
I like singing karaoke
doesn't / she / a / climbing / like / tree
She doesn't like climbing a tree
like / you / books / do / reading / ?
Do you like reading books?