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First Aid Course

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One boy has a bad cut on his leg. His friend wants to help him. What can be the dialogue between them?(promise)
-I promise, I’ll find a sterile dressing for you? -Hope so!
One boy has a bad cut on his leg. His friend wants to help him. What can be the dialogue between them?(request)
-Could you find a sterile dressing for me, please? -Yes, sure.
One boy has a bad cut on his leg. His friend wants to help him. What can be the dialogue between them?(offer)
-What can I get for you? -Bandage, please.
The first step in case of a burn is to …
 cool the burn immediately
What shouldn’t you do in case of shock?
Drink alcohol and drugs!
What is the first aid in case of bad cut? (2 steps)
1. Treat the wound/ 2.Put sterile dressing on it
What is the first aid in case of bee sting?
Get the sting out
How can you describe the state of health of this person?
He has stomach ache/ His stomach hurts
How can you describe the state of health of this person?
Her leg hurts/ She has pain in her leg
How can you describe the state of health of this person?
His liver hurts/ He has pain in his liver
How can you describe the state of health of this person?
His eyes hurt
How can you describe the state of health of this person?
He has pain in his shoulder/ His shoulder hurts
How can you describe the state of health of this person?
She has a headache/ Her head hurts
Unscramble word: GINTINFA
Unscramble word: KOCCHS
One of them is a doctor and another one is a p…
What’s this?
This is a stretcher.
What’s this?
It’s an eye chart.
What’s these?
These are crutches.
What’s this?
This is a wheelchair.
What’s this?
This is a sterile dressing.
What’s this?
This is a bandage
Unscramble word: DUNOW
In case of a bad cut it’s necessary to t….. the w….
treat/ wound
…. his head on the wall.
His heart h….
A…. will be in 5 minutes.
Unscramble word: MREEGEYCN
Don’t give someone to sleep is….
keep awake
It’s a ……
bee sting
Unscramble word: SEON ELBED
Nose bleed
He has a b….. on his finger
bad cut
Unscramble word: URBN
Unscramble word: MCITIV