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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the Vinfast factory in Vietnam?
What year was Ho Chi Minh born?
What is the name of this game played in Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, France, South Africa and New Zealand?
What country is Erno Rubik from? (He invented the Rubik's Cube)
What is the name of this famous French fashion designer?
Coco Chanel
What do you call a shape with five sides?
A pentagon
Which famous Korean leader is this?
Kim Jong Un
How many members in BTS?
What's the full name of this Korean boy band?
Bangtan Sonyeondan - BTS
How many teeth does the human adult have?
32 - 12 molars, 8 premolars, 8 incisors, 4 canines.
What is the name of this actor and wrestler, who was in 'Fast and Furious'?
John Cena
What is the name of this famous Australian rock band?
What is the Mass (Grams) per unit Volume (CC, cubic centimetere) of material called?
Density - D = M/V (Density equals mass over volume)
Is the 'sheeprat' a real animal?
No! The 'sheeprat' is an imaginary animal.It has the head of a sheep and the body of a rat
Is the 'pengcat' a real animal?
No! The 'pengcat' is a scary photoshop. It's imaginary.
Is the "chickdog" a real animal?
No! The "chickdog" is not a real animal. There is no animal with the body of a dog and the head of a chicken.