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Financial Literacy

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I bought 5 books for $100. How much is the unit price of 1 book?
I bought 3 candies for $9, what is the unit price of 1 candy?
I bought a $50 sweater, a $25 book, and a $25 dinner. Taxes are 13%. What is the total of my purchases, including taxes?
I spent $100 on a credit card in January. I did not pay my bill. The card has a 20% interest rate. What do I owe in February?
Paycheque, allowance, birthday money, and paper route money are all examples of what?
Rent, mortgage, car payments, student loans, and groceries are all examples of what?
I made $2000 in December, I spent $2150. Is my budget balanced?
In February I made $2000, I spent $2000 on expenses. Is my budget balanced?
Yes, but you have no savings
I made $2000 in January and spent $1000, is my budget balanced?
What is a disadvantage to using cash?
If you run out you are done, not good for big purchases, can be stolen easier
What is an advantage to using cash?
Easy to stay on budget, do not need a credit/debit machine to use, more visual etc.
What is a disadvantage to using a debit or credit card?
Easy to spend more money than you planned, impulse shopping, credit card debt, interest rates
What is an advantage to using a credit or debit card?
More convenient, easy to carry, can put on phone, etc
What is financial literacy?
The ability to read and understand money.
In January I paid $100 for rent, $50 for food, and $25 for a necklace. What was my total expense in January?
In January I made $20 shoveling snow, $10 from selling a book, and $5 from feeding a friends cat. What was my total income?
What is a budget?
A calculation of income (money made) and expenses (money spent) during a time period
What is debt?
Money that you owe
What is cryptocurrency?
an unregulated form of money that can be traded digitally
What is a debit card?
A card that allows you to buy using your own money
What is a credit card?
A card that allows you to buy using the banks money