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Tom and the tomango tree
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Why is the end of the story strange?
Because Tom never found another tomango tree and he never saw or heard the fruit bat again
What did Tom name the strange fruit?
How many of those fruits did Tom put in his bag?
What was actually behind the leaf?
A fruit that looked like a tomato or a mango
What's a fruit bat?
A bat that only eats fruit
What did Tom hear in the tree below him?
A fruit bat
What did Tom put in his bag before he started walking up the hill? 
Apple juice
Why couldn't Tom grow melons or grapes?
The weather was too cold
Why couldn’t Tom grow bananas?
They were always too green
Why couldn't Tom grow pears?
They were too small
Where did Tom's parents work?
On the farm
What was one thing Tom loved doing?
Climbing trees, listening to the birds and going for walks in the forest
What was behind the farm?
A big forest on a hill
Where did Tom live?
Tom lived on a farm