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Phrasal Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does 'figure out' mean?
understand \ يفهم
What does 'put on' mean?
يرتدي\ يضع\wear
What does 'pick up' mean?
يلتقط \ grab
What does 'stand up' mean?
يقف \ قف \ rise
What does 'sit down' mean?
يجلس \ take a seat
What does 'give up' mean?
يستسلم \ quit \ abandon
What does 'find out' mean?
يجد \ يكتشف \ discover
What does 'get along' mean?
يتأقلم \ befriend \ socialize
What does 'put off' mean?
يؤجل \ defer
What does 'get over' mean?
يتغلب على \ overcome
What does 'count on' mean?
يعتمد على \ depend on \ trust in
What does 'look after' mean?
يعتني \ care for
What does 'look for' mean?
يبحث \ search for
What does 'work out' mean?
يتمرن \ يتدرب \ exercise
What does 'save up' mean?
يدخر (مال) \ gather\collect
What does 'run out' mean?
ينفذ شيئ\ ينتهي\exhaust