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past continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ellos no estuvieron haciendo su tarea de matematicas.
They weren't doing their homework math
Poala estaba perdiendo sus anillos.
Poala was losing her rings.
How can we say, arbol , pared, martillo, techo
tree, wall, butcher, hammer, ceiling
Tell me the possesive pronouns
my, your, his , her, its , our, their
Dime los pronombres personales.
I, You, He, She, It , We , They
tell me 5 colors
Black, red, white, purple, orange, green
Alan no estuvo bebiendo agua en la fiesta, el estaba bebiendo vodka y cerveza con nosotros
Alan wasn't drinking water in the party, he was drinking vodka and beer with us
Los abuelos no estuvieron leyendo el periodico.
The grandparents weren't reading the newspaper
¿Donde estuviste estudiando Frances?
Where were you studying french?
He estuvo enviandole mensajes a su ex en Instagram ayer en la noche
She was sending messages to her ex on Instagram last night
Yo estuve prestando mis herramientas a mis compañeros de trabajo
I was lending my tools to my coworkers
¿Ella estuvieron haciendo un pastel de chocolate con nosotros?
Were they making a chocolate cake with us?
Everyone has to tell me an example using past continuous
She was giving her money
Ella estaba dando su dinero
Ricardo no estuvo comprando comida rapida en aquella tienda
Ricardo wasn't buying fast food in that store
¿Los niños estuvieron leyendo un cuento de fantasia?
¿ Were the children reading a fantasy tale?
Juan estuvo llendo a la iglesia con su esposa, ellos son muy catolicos.
Juan was going to the church with her wife, they are very religious
¿Estuviste vinendo a la tienda todos los dias?
¿were you comming to the school everyday?