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Multi-Step Word Problems (3-5)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am building a chicken run. I have 16 ft of fence, How long can each side of my run be if I make it a square?
4 ft.
What is the next number in the pattern? 55, 67, 89, ____
Pikachu has 39 power points. If his move Thundershock takes 3 power points, how many times can he use the move before he runs out of power points?
13 times
I had a bag of chocolate candies, I ate 7 candies. Now there are only 35 left. How many candies were in the bag before I ate some?
April's discount flours was having a sale where each flower was three dollars. if Emily bought two roses and two daisies, how much did she spend?
Isabel had two pages of math homework and four pages of reading homework. If each page had five problems on it, how any problems did she have to complete total?
30 problems
A pet store has six bird cages. If each cage has six parrots and two parakeets in it, how many birds does the pet store have?
48 Birds
Bonus 5 points
Free 5 points
A new building needed 10 windows. The builder had already installed 6 of them. If it takes 5 hours to install each window, how long will it take him to install the rest?
20 hours
Arnold earned $9 for each lawn he mowed. If he had 12 lawns to mow, but forgot to mow 8 of them, how much money did he actually earn?
Bonus 15 points
15 points free
Susan has three boxes of coloring pencils, each box has 12 pencils in it. When she opens the boxes she finds that 7 of the pencils are broken and throws them away. How many pencils does she still have?
29 color pencils