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Text Linguistics

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do the various dimension of intertextuality allow us to do?
Which of the following can be linked to hegemony, polyphony and heteroglossia:
What are 2 dimensions of intertextualuty?
What is a “text model”?
It is a personal mental representation of a text genre, as it presents individual knowledge, beliefs and opinions.
According to Graesser the text is something interpreted:
on line, unit by unit, word for word and on the basis world knowledge and language knowledge
Text production and text reception need to be analyzed as:
a communicative event and a form of social interaction.
What aspects are relevant for successful communication through texts?
Context. Area of ​​expertise. Participants-communicators and their communicative, social, and professional roles. Time and location of communication.
Classify the following statement as true or false: "There are situations where the contextual indicators are more dominant than linguistics indicators."
Based on the theory of speech acts, How many functions does the text have?
Text function is defined as.....
all of them.
The text genre is determined by:
Which of the following best describes text genres:
it has a specific function in the culture and reflects a purpose from the writer and that is notable for the receptor.
Name at least 3 of the 5 statements that Allen Renear established to define the structural text
Real: texts are independent of our interests and theories about them. Abstract: texts are made up of abstract objects. Intentional: texts are the result of a
In the semantic model a text is what a reader finds meaningful. Is the statement correct or incorrect?
Which model challenges the assumption that the text is meant to be read by humans?
Data model, because in this model, humans are not the only processing agents; machines, such as computers, can process text as well.
In the semantic model, does the text exist only because the reader gives it meaning?
Yes, in this model the text is constructed by a reader from the symbols, and structures in, or expressed by, the document.