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Chapter 8: The Civil War

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What happened after the 11 Southern states seceded?
Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter
What happened after Abraham Lincoln is elected president in 1860?
11 Southern states secede from the Union
How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the goals of the war?
Northerners were fighting to end slavery and free enslaved people in the South.
Which Union general was nicknamed “Young Napoleon”?
George McClellan
Which general helped the Confederate army defeat the Union army in the battle at Manassas?
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
The capital of the Confederate States was...
Richmond, Virginia
The Civil War began at...
Fort Sumter, South Carolina
Abraham Lincoln said: “A house divided against itself cannot..."
John Jay Chapman compared American slavery to...
A sleeping serpent
The Southern states believed slavery was...
Essential to their way of life and labor force.
The Northern states believed slavery was...
Morally wrong and unprofitable
Eliza Winston was awarded her freedom because...
She moved to Minnesota, a free state.
The industrial invention that changed the economy of the South to rely on slavery was...
The cotton gin
Most Northerners thought slavery should not be allowed in new western states.
The economies of both the North and South focused equally on factories and farming.
Emancipation Proclamation was...
The order issued by President Lincoln that freed all slaves in the Confederate states
Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederate States of America
Abraham Lincoln was president of the Union during the Civil War
The Confederacy refers to...
The eleven Southern states that seceded from the Union
The Union refers to...
The Northern states of America
To secede is to...
Withdraw from an organization or country