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The Hate U Give Ch. 1 & 2

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What reason does Officer 115 give for pulling Khalil over?
His taillight is broken
What is one thing Starr's parents teach her about what to do if a cop stops her?
Keep your hands visible, no sudden moves, only speak when they speak to you
How many times does Officer 115 search Khalil?
What do Kenya and Starr share?
Their brother, Seven
Natasha, Khalil, and Starr called themselves the Hood Trio and said they were tighter than what?
The inside of Voldemort's nose
What is the name of the friend of Khalil and Starr who was killed several years earlier?
How many times does Officer 115 shoot Khalil?
What was the badge number of the police officer who pulled Khalil over?
Name one of the two talks Starr's parents had with her when she was 12.
The birds and the bees and what to do if a cop stopped her.
What does Starr say Khalil does before he tells a lie?
Wipes his nose
What rapper does Khalil reference when he talks about T-H-U-G L-I-F-E?
Name one of the two gangs that reside in Garden Heights.
King Lords or Garden Disciples
What kind of car does Khalil drive?
Chevy Impala
What celebrity did Starr refer to as her husband?
Who was Starr's first kiss?
When Khalil walks through the crowd at Big D's party, who does Starr compare him to? (Hint: it's someone from the Bible.)
What singer do Kenya and her friends think Starr's Williamson Prep friends listen to at parties?
Taylor Swift
How is Starr known in Garden Heights?
As Big Mav's daughter who works at the store
What is Starr's boyfriend's name?
Who does Kenya want to fight at Big D's party?
What is the name of Starr's community?
Garden Heights
What show does Starr love?
Fresh Prince
How long has Starr attended Williamson Prep?
Six years
What is the name of Starr's school?
Williamson Prep
Whose hoodie does Starr wear to the party?
Who goes with Starr to Big D's party?
Who is the narrator of The Hate U Give?