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Wh questions + Daily routine
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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W---- do you want to go in your next vacation?
WHERE do you want to go in your next vacation?
W---- do you usually go when you hang out with friends?
WHERE do you usually go when you hang out with friends?
W--- ---- do you go grocery shopping?
WHAT TIME do you go grocery shopping?
W--- do you do in the evening/at night?
WHAT do you do in the evening/at night?
W-- do you usually have lunch with?
WHO do you usually have lunch with?
W--- T--- do you usually go to bed?
WHAT TIME do you usually go to bed?
W--- do you usually eat for snack?
WHAT do you usually eat for snack?
W--- do you do at the weekend?
WHAT do you do at the weekend?
W--- T--- do you usually take a break during workdays?
WHAT TIME do you usually take a break during workdays?
W--- do you have English lessons?
WHEN do you have English lessons?
H-- do you go to work?
HOW do you go to work? By.....
W--- T--- do you usually have dinner?
WHAT TIME do you usually have dinner?
W---- do you usually have lunch?
WHERE do you usually have lunch?
W--- T--- do you go to work?
WHAT TIME do you go to work?
W--- do you usually have for breakfast?
WHAT do you usually have for breakfast?
W--- T--- do you usually wake up?
WHAT TIME do you usually wake up?