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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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school - your - favourite - who - at - was - teacher
Who was your favourite teacher at school?
you - do - housework - often - do - how
How often do you do housework?
can - ten - to - backwards - from - zero - you - count
Can you count from ten to zero backwards?
kind - you - like - do - cooking - food - what - of
What kind of food do you like cooking?
best - friend - now - doing - your - is - what
What is your best friend doing r now?
will - the - year - they - Cup - World - win - next
Will they win the World Cup next year?
name - your - you - do - how - spell
How do you spell your name?
to - supermarket - the - you - can - tell - the - way
Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?
finish - you - usually - do - start - work - and - time - what
What time do you usually start and finish work?
have - how - do - many - siblings - you
How many siblings do you have?
today - lunch - have - for - what - you - did
What did you have for lunch today?
class - you - going - do - are - this - after - what - to
What are you going to do after this class?
last - weekend - did - where - go - you
Where did you go last weekend?
are - your - many - cinemas - city - in - how - there
How many cinemas are there in your city?
in - a - city - your - is - hospital - there
Is there a hospital in your city?
often - the - how - you - gym - go - to - do
How often do you go to the gym?
you - born - when - were
When were you born?