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Focus 4 5.7 phrasal verbs

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To prevent injury, make sure you _________before you do any physical exercise.
warm up
Messi pulled a muscle during the _______ and couldn’t play. (warm up)
She had a fairly traditional _________ and education. (bring up)
He grew up in a rather _______ neighbourhood. (run down)
The cupboard in my office is full of old paperwork, it needs a _______ . (clear out)
The smell is a bit _______ but it actually tastes really good. (put off)
It’s important that everyone knows what’s involved from the _____ . (set out)
We got caught in a complete _________ without an umbrella. (pour down)
The fi lm was a bit of a ________ – not as good as I’d expected. (let down)
She talks about how she had to stand up ______ herself and prove her abilities.
She explains that people looked ______ on her because of her lack of education.
Although she didn’t have any formal qualifications, she ____ up for that with her enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
She got ___ really well with her colleagues and loved working as part of a team.
Hanna did well at school, but she decided not to ___ on to further education.
He’s aware that young athletes *admire* him as a role model.
look up to
We *found* an efficient way of dealing with applications.
came up with
Of course we *encountered* problems, but we found ways to deal with them.
came up against
Two students *quit* the course.
dropped out of
I try to *avoid* early shifts if I can.
get out of
You should not *tolerate* such working conditions.
put up with