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CO3 Teens - C16 - GAME movies

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which film are you most looking forward to seeing?
Is there a book, comic book or situation you would like to see a film about?
If you could enter into a film or TV series? What would it be? What would be the advantage and disadvantage of being in that film or TV series?
Is there a movie that is "a guilty pleasure" for you?
What is the favourite movie of you mother? Do you like it too?
Can you think of a famous scene in a film? Describe it.
What was the first film that you watched? Do you still like that film?
Do you read or watch reviews when you're choosing a film or a tv series? Why? Why not?
Should stuntmen be more recognised? Why?
Which film has made you cry? Why?
Do you like cliffhangers? Which was your favourite?
If you enjoy a movie, do you try to watch the sequel?
If you could make a film? What would it be about, what genre would it be and what would the title be?
What is the worst movie you have ever watched? Tell me about it.
What do you think of mexican movies? Tell me your opinion.
'Some critics believe that filmmakers arc emphasising special effects at the expense of the story.' Do you agree? Why?
Do you think that cinema films should have an educational value? Why?
How influential do you think films are on young people's behavior?
Do you like villains? Name your favourite and explain why you like it
What kind of movies don't you like? Why?
Do you like horror movies? Mentions your favourite 3 movies :)
Tell me about... the most impressive movie that you have ever watched in your life?
With whom do you usually watch movies?
Who is your favourite actor & actress? Why?