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Creativity quiz

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you thought about new ways to use dixit cards in your classroom?
What's the time schedule for tomorrow?
8-13 14-15.30
Who is "Kind" in this group?
Why is Genially interesting?
What is the name of the activity we did as morning wrap up yesterday?
Visual investigators
Explain the role of the GREEN HAT.
Ideas, alternatives, possibilities, solutions to black hat problems
Explain the role of the BLUE HAT.
BLUE HAT - PROCESS. Thinking about thinking, organizing and planning for action
Lateral thinking techniques.
Awareness: resisting patterns - Random associations - Deliberate alteration (reversing)
Name three characteristic of divergent thinking.
Name three characteristic of convergent thinking.
“The best way to have good ideas is ...
... to have lots of ideas and then throw the bad ones away”
What's the name of the person that carried out the experiment with the paper clip?
Sir Ken Robinson
How many uses of a paper clip could a divergent thinker think about?
If you think of adding other Cs to the 4cs, which words would you add?
curiosity, confidence, caring and cooperation
What are the 4cs?
Creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication
A "competence" is a combination of...
knowledge, skills and attitudes
According to the EU framework what are key competences for living in the 21 st century? Name at least 5
Communication in the mother tongue, in foreign languages, Mathematical science and technology competence, Digital, Learning to learn, Social skills...